The service supports Microsoft Office file formats and has access to documents stored on iCloud by the OS X and iOS versions of the suite. Even spreadsheets are eye-popping, with gorgeous charting features. iWork for iCloud looks…well, very much like the OS X and iOS versions of the suite. Word processors, spreadsheets and presentation tools are not the stuff of headline news in 2013. The fact that iWork for iCloud is being treated like a secondary story isn't a shocker. And while I haven't read all of them, I'm virtually positive that not a single one led with one bit from the middle of the event: Apple is getting ready to release iWork for iCloud, a fully browser-based version of its productivity suite, which includes the Pages word processor, Numbers spreadsheet and Keynote presentation tool. How many news stories have there been recapping all the news from Apple's WWDC keynote yesterday? Gazillions, if not more. Let's Talk About iOS 7, OS X Mavericks and More.Iwork 2013 – Productivity Software Suite Download.Apple iWork is a full-featured package that provides the necessary tools to easily and effortlessly create professional looking presentations, spreadsheets and documents. IWork was initially sold as a suite for $79, then later at $19.99 per app on OS X and $9.99 per app on iOS. In 2013, Apple launched iWork web apps in iCloud even years later, however, their functionality is somewhat limited compared to equivalents on the desktop.