Database conversion tools for many popular databases such as MySQL, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server, and MS Access.Backup tools such as the Database Backup Tool and Table Backup Tool.Database Object Search tool for searching for database objects.Database Data Search tool for searching single or multiple database table and view data.Table / SQL Query Compare tool for comparing tables or queries across multiple connections.A Generate DDL Tool for generating table, view, and index DDL.Ships with a built-in relational database engine (HSQLDB) that is up and running out of the box and requires no end-user administration.Import Tool – Import data from delimited files, Excel files, or fixed width files into tables.Export Tool – Export data in various formats PostgreSQL MySQL RedShift SQL Server SQLite MariaDB Redis Cassandra CockroachDB MongoDB Vertica.A robust programming editor that embeds the powerful EditRocket code editor that supports 20 programming languages including SQL, PL/SQL, TransactSQL, SQL PL, HTML, XML, and more. Cinema 4D S26 013 + Redshift Intel-Apple K-ed Release year : 2022 Version : S26013 Developer : Maxon Developer site : Platform : Intel/Apple Silicon Universal Interface language : Russian + English macOS: macOS 10.15.Visual Tools for creating, editing, dropping, and executing stored procedures, functions, and triggers.Visual tools for creating, editing, dropping, describing, altering, and viewing tables, views, indexes, and sequences.An SQL Editor for creating SQL queries.A Database Navigator for browsing database objects.Compare table data across databases, or compare the results of queries.